Friday, January 29, 2010

Well I finally watched it!

I was finally able to watch The Shriek In The Night like a day or 2 was very cute! I liked it a lot :)
Still not as much as Star Of Midnight though.

Here are a few Ginger pics:

Kitty Foyle

A little something I made :)

Tom Dick and Harry

Vivacious Lady

Romance in Manhattan

Publicity shot for Shall We Dance, (don't ask me what's on her head! LOL)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I apologize!

I am so sorry for the completely unimaginative poll that I last did! I couldn't even wait for it to finish! I had to remove it. It was ridiculous, I mean, everyone asks that! It's so common, i thought I was going to do interesting polls, about rare stuff that you normally wouldn't think up. Last week though my mind went blank! So here is my apology, and I hope it's a better one!

What I voted for:
My personal favorite of those is Star Of Midnight, i thought it was so cute.

Please vote, I really want to have something to discuss :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

POLLL!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

And the winner is...
*drumroll please*

Stage Door!

Great movie, one of my favorites!
Sad Katherine Hepburn didn't make any other movies with Ginger :(
Here are a few pictures, if you haven't seen it, this is a movie you don't want to miss!

2nd place is:

Having Wonderful Time and Roberta

3rd place is Top Hat :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grace Kelly book!

I am so excited I finally was able to locate a book about one of my favorite actresses! Grace Kelly was gorgeous, talented, and sweet :) I'm loving this book so far it's great! I still haven't been able to find a Ginger one, but I will continue to look!

Anyways the book was written in 1984, 2 years after her tragic death, read that part so sad :(

Here is the cover.

Grace Kelly really was a gorgeous woman, and she sounds so nice, i wish I could meet her!

Anyways now for some new ginger pics Here are the latest:

And I heard a a short story from the radio with Ginger playing one of the characters, here is the link :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

New poll

Soooo...the next poll is which movie do you like the best, of all the ones Ginger made with Lucille Ball?

Here are the options:

Top Hat

Stage Door


Follow The Fleet

Having Wonderful Time

The poll

Ok the results are...

Let Yourself Go: first place

And why not? It's a great song! My favorite :)

And second place is: Well there is a tie on 3 songs!
so second place goes to:

Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

Watch it here:

Here is a picture, very small but that's all I could find!

You'll Be Reminded of Me

Cheek To Cheek

third place is:
Another tie!

here they are!

I'll Be Hard To Handle

The Piccolino
I can't find a picture! GRRR

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My new video!

Hey everyone please check out my new video on youtube :)

Here is the link!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So many Ginger pictures!

Set of It Had To Be You


Just dancing :)

I believe from follow The Leader?

Stage Door

Tom Dick And Harry I believe

Publicity shot :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Appy New...dyear

I completely forgot to tell everyone happy new-exscuse me appy new dyear! LOL
Ah Ginger is great huh? I love that movie! But anyways sorry for the late wish but I really do hope you all had a great one :)

Found another cute one of her, not sure where it's from though :/ Kitty Foyle?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Gorgeous publicity shot

Gingers gorgeous publicity shot from Top Hat! She looks gorgeous!!!!!!

What do you think?

Here are a few others :)

<-Weekend At Waldorf :)

<- so young!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Ugh! This video is driving me CRAZY! it takes forever and a day...I've been trying to make a video of ginger, Judy, Audrey and Grace. And for once a video where the clips and pictures go with the beat! But it's proving to be very difficult!

And any ideas on who I should do it on next?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Something happened and I am now following MYSELF! LOL I have no idea how this happened :/
Well anyways I now have 3 followers and i want to thanks them for actually taking the trouble to follow me!

And I'm back! I got a lot of presents unfortunately no vintage stuff or movies, but hey, I am grateful for all the great gifts :)

I found a few good pictures of Ginger here they are:

Here is a very cute one!